Who are you playing for?

Who are you playing for?

Colossians chapter 3, verses 23 to 24, ‘Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.’.

  • In Our Going

    Many of us lead busy lives. From work, to family, to church responsibilities, to driving kids around, we barely get time to ourselves, let alone time to be missional.

  • Individualism Isn’t Biblical

    A common idea that has been floating around for the past several years is that the more connected we become the more disconnected we seem to get.

  • His Way

    Often we hear about His way and how His way is greater than our own. But I think that we can often get caught up in our way of His way.

  • Redeeming stories from the past

    Rain. Thunderstorm. Flooding

  • Loving God Part 3 – With Mind

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  • I don’t want to “catch-up”

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  • Your Calling Does Not Save You

    When we consider either contemporaries or historical figures whom we admire, we tend to gravitate to their lived vocations. Consider Paul, one of our greatest missionaries, or Charles Spurgeon, donned the Prince of Preachers. When they come to mind, we often perceive their legacy through their calling or vocation.

  • A letter from your Father

    My words are true, you can trust me. Even if you don't know if you can trust the words of those around you, you can trust me. I will protect your heart; you will find wholeness in me. I am your home.

  • Splitting at the post

    How much do you have?

  • Cross-stitch Christianity

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  • The Sinful Systems We Find Ourselves In

    One of the common trials we all face in life is the tedium of bureaucracy. How many of us have been chased around trying to find that one person or fill out that one form so we can finally sort out our problem?