The heart of worship
We sang this song many times in the 2000s. I loved its beautiful melody. However, I was only convicted by the lyrics’ meaning and challenge when I slowed down, saying each word aloud..
The Culture of God’s Kingdom – Abide
What does ‘abide’ mean?
Seven Steps Back
I work with the most behaviourally challenged students at a wonderful Christian secondary school. Compared to other schools in the area, it’s a pretty good standard.
Sola Fide
A friend was wandering around town a few days ago and encountered what he thought was a cult. They were handing out flyers and offering free food while inviting people to join their meeting that was happening down the street.
None taken
I heard something today that Dallas Willard said that really struck me, “A mature Christian is almost impossible to ...
Do You See The Grace In Deuteronomy?
We recently did a series in Deuteronomy. I love our Old Testament series because it’s so exciting to see what I thought was a bit of a dry book of the Bible come alive with God’s purpose and love, and to see how it points us to Jesus!
What a week in hospital taught me…
It was totally unplanned of course. I guess that’s true for many people unless you are undergoing elective surgery.
As I wait for you, maybe I’m made more faithful.
Breaking the misperception and misunderstanding cycle
As someone who was watching from the sides to witness the whole ordeal unveiling, it was clearer to me than to the three involved as to what was happening.
[Not] Deconstructing
I need to preface all of this by stating that I truly, deeply love Jesus with all my heart, am a big fan of the local church, and still identify as Christian. Reserve the panic and stay with me.
Hope for the Journey
There have been many times where I’ve felt exhausted and prayed for God to help me – either by giving me more energy, or by making the situation easier.
Vote For Your Neighbour
Voting season is upon us yet again and with voting season comes the inevitable questions we have of who we should vote for and what we should vote for.