Lord God, I pray that the church would rise up from its complacency, and be salt and light on this Earth. Not to take real estate and possession of earthly kingdoms, but to preserve society from further atrophy and moral breakdown; to preserve religious freedom, expression and association, so that the light of the Gospel might remain accessible.
I pray that we wouldn’t merely be confined to the church, but be influencers in society: in government, in education and in the marketplace—not to build an earthly empire, but to form a spiritual stronghold in this dark world—to occupy until He returns.
I pray that those in the church who have misplaced compassion for the enemies of God, who seek to destroy us, would be corrected, that they would stop cooperating with those who purvey evil agendas straight from hell itself. We pray that Christians would not support the prevailing creeds of globalisation and Islamisation, which seek to dominate and colonise us and suppress the Gospel. I pray that the church would not support those who endeavour to devour the church, and purge us from the continent. Though compassion for individuals might win them to You, we would not be so foolish as to invite those who serve Satan to live amidst us, in our own house and support their evil plans to conquer us.
Lord, we do not wish to relive the atrocities of the last century, where so many Christians were slaughtered, where entire nations were enslaved under godless tyranny.
We ask that you would raise up warriors in the church, to speak the truth in love, to resist the lies and programming fostered on our children. That the next generation would honour the accomplishments of their Protestant forebears, instead of trying to change and revise everything they produced. We are reminded of the French Revolution, with attempts to erase history and any mention of you in it. We saw ministers brutally persecuted and sacred places profaned.
We ask that the coming generation would fervently clamour after biblical values in rebellion of the secularism and godlessness being taught at school and by the media—with crass disregard and irreverence for your word and commandments. I pray that they would cherish the nuclear family instead of seeking to abolish it; that ever new lows of sexual perversion and gender confusion would abate and cease. Since you gave them over to a corrupt mind we ask you remit, and revoke this judgement.
Most importantly we ask that they would repent, and seek you, and be revived spiritually. That your judgement against Europe would cease as a remnant repent, and draw back to you. That you would lift the blindness and disregard toward mortal threats—the blindness you have imposed over them, to degrade them as a consequence of spurning you. And we ask that the enemies you have sent to judge us would also be repelled as a remnant in Europe repents.
Raise up a warrior generation, Lord. Your will be done.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
Amos is an evangelical conservative, who cares about where the world is going, and seeks to understand why it is happening, especially in light of prophecy and the spiritual powers behind the scenes. Amos currently lives in Auckland New Zealand. Amos pursues salvation for the lost, and considers himself a defender of traditional Christian values, liberal democracy and the historically unprecedented freedom and liberty established and defended by our forebears—which unfortunately, is gradually being eroded.
Amos Sale previous articles may be viewed at
Amos Sale is an evangelical conservative who considers himself a defender of traditional Christian values, liberal democracy and the unprecedented freedom and liberty established and defended by our forebears—which is being eroded.
Amos Sale previous articles may be viewed at www.pressserviceinternational.org/amos-sale.html