Early in August 2019, an extreme abortion bill flew through its first reading in New Zealand. The majority of our MPs showed support for this bill (94-24). Words like well-being, healthcare and rights have been thrown around to justify the need for such a bill. It is really though just a camouflage for liberalizing late term abortion.
Our culture almost seems obsessed with death. From euthanasia to abortion, we have become a society without conscience and morality.
Who are we up against?
While it may seem that we are up against a system, a government or even a group of people that do not value life, they are not our enemy. Ephesians chapter 6, verse 12 reminds us, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places”.
Our enemy has always been the devil and his agenda is not new. In the Bible, we read accounts of the shedding of innocent blood. Even babies and young children were not spared. The biblical accounts of young ones being killed during the times of Moses (Exodus chapter 1) and again when Jesus was born (Matthew chapter 2) are some examples that the enemy comes to “kill, steal and destroy” (John chapter 10, verse 10a).
What can we do?
1. “Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians chapter 6, verse 11). Make no mistake – this is a battle of life and death. We have to equip ourselves with prayer and the Word of God.
2. Speak out against abortion. Your voice as a child of God matters. Your pro-life thoughts should be heard by the people around you. Christians are sometimes so afraid of coming across as judgmental when it comes to issues like abortion. Truth and love cannot be separated. Speak the truth in love.
3. Be practical. Support pro-life movements like Choose Life, Voice For Life and Family First. “The purpose of the pro-life movement is not to impose guilt over past decisions but to impart wisdom over future decisions” (Dr Mike Adams). They keep the public updated with information and submissions that can be made. Our collective voice speaks volumes.
The ‘Abortion Legislation Bill’ is now being considered by a special Select Committee who is receiving submissions from the public. The final date for submission is Thursday, 19th September 2019. You can use this guide to help you with your submission: https://www.chooselife.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Submission-Guide-1.pdf.
4. March for life – literally! Last year, I went for my first march. While it was amazing gathering with so many others who are prolife, it was the stories that were shared through the signs that people were holding up that caught my attention most. Some I would never forget. One thanked his birth mum for choosing adoption instead of abortion. Another regretting an abortion from decades ago and expressing how much she misses the child she never had the chance to hold.
We march hoping to change something, but really it changes us. This year’s March For Life is on December 7, 2019 in Wellington. Save the date!
From death to life
We cannot stop someone from having an abortion. Governments may pass extreme abortion laws that we cannot do anything about. It may seem like all that we do are futile.
But your story can point someone to Jesus. Prayers whispered into the ears of Jesus can change history. And if taking a stand opens the eyes of even a single person to the truth, it is worth it.
Do the possible and let God to the impossible. The source of life Himself will change lives.
Mussita Ng is a follower of Jesus Christ from Wellington, New Zealand. Her previous articles may be viewed at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/mussita-ng.html
Mussita Ng is a follower of Jesus Christ from Wellington, New Zealand. Her previous articles may be viewed at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/mussita-ng.html