I know it’s the New Year and everybody probably spent a good hour or so drafting up their new year’s resolution. I have a few things on my list for sure, and embarrassingly some of them had been on my list for a couple of years now with zero progress thus far.
New Year’s resolution is always a good time for us to recommit things that are important, to remind us of things that we need to set our eyes upon. However, I have a separate set of resolutions that I always refer to periodically, my spiritual resolutions.
My spiritual resolutions were inspired by one of America’s most brilliant theologians of all times, Jonathan Edwards. In fact, Jonathan Edwards is well known for his 70 resolutions that show the kind of life that Edwards was dedicated to live.
It is also perhaps a part-explanation why he was able to live such profound life that he did: pastoring his first church at 18 years old, writing phenomenal books such as ‘Religious Affections’ and work as the president of one of the most prestigious universities of all times, Princeton university.
If you have any seriousness about your spiritual life and your spiritual resolutions, I strongly recommend this video about Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards to strengthen the formulation of your own personal resolutions.
It would be way too much for me to contain what is already in the clip, and the clip itself is already an abridged version. Before 2019 takes off for a sprint, spend some quality time with God watching this clip together, meditating, praying and asking for guidance as to how to what kind of resolutions we should have as Christians.
I pray that God will edify you much as you amend your resolutions according to his will and his glory.

Richard Kwon is from Auckland, a regular lay person who just loves the Lord.