Christian Today New Zealand has available a sport writer spot and invites Kiwi young people to put up their hand.
There are 5 sports writers in the Press Service International program in conjunction with Christian Today Australia.
There are 5 weeks in each Cycle and each of those weeks has a sport writer.
Week 1 - Travis Barnes - Melbourne
Week 2 - Jeremy Dover - Melbourne
Week 3 - David Goodwin - Melbourne
Week 4 - Wes Tronson - Gold Coast
Week 5 - Phil Hall - Melbourne
Josh Hinds was a sport writer for 10 years and often wrote interesting articles on international sports such as motor racing, and US sports, NFL, Baseball and NBA and replaced by Travis Barnes.
Past Kiwi sport writers
There have been three previous Kiwi sport writers
Brad Mills - Auckland
Annemare de Villiers - Christchurch
Tim Newman - Christchurch
All three have won the annual Tony Dunkerley Sport Writer Award – an award determined by five Panellists who marked the sport articles.
Spot available
Writing sport for Christian Today with a Facebook following of 4.6m around the world is voluntary but it provides a ‘by-line’, name recognition and moreover great on your career CV with an international column.
Young Kiwis interested - very pleased to hear from you - connect with Dr Mark Tronson - timeout@bushorchestra.com