Do unto me but not unto thee.
The basic rule of reciprocation which seems to be recognised across most cultures is: The golden rule, do unto others as Jesus cautioned us. Most of us follow it pretty well. Most of us are polite, considerate and respectful in our daily lives. And so we anticipate similar treatment in return.
Some people however have one set of standards and expectations for themselves, and entirely different ones for others. Or they pick and choose selectively who they will treat, in a fashion they likewise expect to be treated.
Special treatment
What ego complex some people have though, where they demand you be highly attentive to all their rights and dignities, while treating others like servants, doormats and irritations. Erecting themselves on a pedestal, and demeaning those around them, like the psychological tyrants they are.
That 'walking on eggshells' thing applies to people like this, their associates are always very careful not to mention anything that could be even slightly perceived as an offence, affront or an annoyance to their delicate and sensitive egos. Otherwise face wrath and indignation.
Narcisistic, bossy, rude, and controlling types have a self image that is highly elevated beyond their companions. Hence their sense of entitlement to special treatment.
Like everyone else
In order to "do unto others" you must first begin with the humble notion that you deserve the same treatment as everyone else, this is impossible for the narcissist or the jezebel. Their "unique" position and "giftings" afford them special privileges, power and control over "lesser people".
Their lives are often like wrecking balls leaving a trail of emotional damage and hurt behind them. They are in need of justice more quickly than those who follow the golden rule.
No one wants perfect justice, but when it comes to walking septic vipers and dragons who hurt everyone around them, God's patience is shorter. Otherwise the poison tongue will degrade the whole community over time, heaping up offences.
God defends the humble, and pride comes before a fall. Some people need to hurry up and fall though.
Amos is an evangelical conservative, seeking to understand the world from the perspective of the Christian worldview, watching to ascertain the times and season; desiring to speak the truth to a lost generation. He is married and a dad.
Amos Sale previous articles may be viewed at
Amos Sale is an evangelical conservative who considers himself a defender of traditional Christian values, liberal democracy and the unprecedented freedom and liberty established and defended by our forebears—which is being eroded.
Amos Sale previous articles may be viewed at