It is easy. When the drums thunder and the lights shush, when the crowds roar and the tears burn, it is easy. Prayers of repentance flow like a river and grace like an ocean. You declare promises that you think now you can keep.
It is a little hard. When the next day comes and the next, then the next of unceasingly repetitive routines, to-do’s and must-meet’s, it is a little hard. Piles of laundry, piles of papers, countless meetings and people to please, you utter your “sorry” when you finally sleep.
It is hard. When the fights restart and the due dates push, when the bills rise and the strengths drain, it is hard. Verses flicker on your phone and you leave your sighs be your prayer, as you glance over the sins that have become a heap.
It is very hard. When darkness pours like rain and the pit becomes your home, it is very hard. Tossing and turning, yet unreturning, your eyes grow dim and your ears close. The taste of honey escape with the warmth and the way back seems ever so steep.
You look for the easy. The creeping lion opens its mouth, offering a wide road of escape. Colourful amusement numbs your flesh, while his teeth clamp into it deep.
It is very hard. Whenever reflections catch you fast, blatantly showing you what you’ve become, it is very hard. You run to your only escape to forget, buying lies that seem so cheap.
It is hard. When someone comes and holds you close, sharing warmth and the Word, it is hard. Your broken promises you can never disclose and the colourful lion that has chained you for the dose tell you that you have come too far. But when God’s promise is declared, you finally weep.
It is a little hard. Trying to fight off the guilt within as you reflect and repent is a little hard. But Jesus comes and shows His nail-holed hands and tells you that He has paid them all. You watch your shackles hopelessly shatter and you rise on your feet to leap.
It is easy. When Christ says “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthews chapter 11, verse 28), you know it is truly easy. Even when you know the busyness, temptations and pitfalls may return, ready to devour you whole again, you now know who to run to.
Not because you are good, but because He is. Not because of your promises, but His. You are faithless, but He is always faithful. So come, lie in His green pastures, O Christ’s sheep!
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew chapter 11, verses 28-30)

Sunny is the reason the Son of God died. In this love, she is securely seat-belted in the rollercoaster of her Christian life, which is, by the way, one heck of a wild ride.