Hotline to heaven

Hotline to heaven

We’ve probably all had moments in our lives where we would love it if we could just call the hotline to heaven, and get God to tell us how to handle our situations and for everything to be crystal clear. But since we can’t do that, how else can we communicate with God? What are effective ways of hearing His voice?.

  • God’s plan for financial success in the New Year

    Happy New Year everyone! Since this is a perfect time to discuss New Year’s Resolutions, I thought I would share a great resolution that was the basis of our last sermon for the year two weeks back!

  • The Cost of the Light

    I recently had the privilege of travelling to South Asia on a missions trip where I got to meet various people who were training to become pastors and their congregants. These were all people from the poorer parts of India, so the idyllic seminary picture was not what we saw.

  • Sin: should we feel threatened?

    It’s a wet night and I’m walking with my friend, carefully trying not to slip on the concrete.

  • The Present is Now

    I’ve written previously about time from a perplexed place questioning its concept. I simply wondered how it applied to and impacted the lives of others.

  • God’s Kingdom

    Most of us desire to create our empires and kingdoms to make ourselves more comfortable, right?

  • Waiting for the green light

    We wait for many things. People, results, and good health are a few common examples.

  • Learning resilience

    “Resilience looks like a flower growing through an ambulance engine to emerge the other side beautiful and strong.”

  • When government falls short

    How easy it is to express our discontent with elected officials. A foul policy, wrong priorities, or unagreeable budget cuts (or increases). The list of grievances a government can succumb to is extensive.

  • The Church’s favourite sin

    There are a lot of New Zealanders who watch pornography. Although we do not explicitly know how many of us are watching it, we do know that it is unquestionably popular. In fact, per capita, we are 13th in the world for the frequency of visits to Pornhub, one of the largest online sites. 

  • Two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward

    Sometimes in life we feel like we are going two steps forward and making great progress. However, something then happens which forces us one step back. Unfortunately, life isn't a linear progression where our life graph continues to head upwards all the time.

  • Being human

    Someone has suggested that we are simply a mind (accidentally) that happens to inhabit (accidentally) a body.